We are happy to now have 2 weights available of our Tabacco Root Valley Yarn, DK and Fingering in the same 12 colorways.

We have been getting some great reviews about both weights...
~ " I believe the socks will be very warm, Stretches well, maybe more than the normal, I like the yarn for socks! There was a little, very little, VM in the yarn but I like that because I feel I'm in there with the sheep"
Alice used our Fall Ash colorway"
~"Beautiful Montana yarn! What a beautiful hand! It is another Love Note that I will be wearing all winter"
~"I am a repeat offender. I am addicted to the Tobacco Root yarns."
~Tobacco Root Valley made with our Targhee Rambouillet wool that is raised and processed right here in the valley.  The Tobacco Root Mountains over look the Whitehall Valley. Our yarn colors are inspired by all the beautiful streams, plants and rivers that the valley holds. A TRUE Montana yarn! By Ranching Tradition Fiber
